

The genesis of the K.V.
The Vidyalaya started working in temporary building provided by AFS Nal Bikaner in 1984 and has grown today to a Two Section School up to class 10th and one Section each for Class XI & XII Science Stream. The vidyalaya is functioning in its own building with well developed play grounds and Eco Friendly enviroment.
Important milestones of growth
Since school was started on its temporary building. Leter the Foundation Stone of the new Building was laid by Gp Capt E. Mathulla on 23 March 1991. School had its two section School up to 10th Standard and two sections 11th & 12th (Science and Commerce).
A Stadium Ground was developed with 200 meter Running track in order to encourage students in physical Activities.
Leter Children’s Park, Basket Ball ground And new Computer Lab opened a new way of development of students.
Gradual year wise expansion in classes and sections leading to present status
Gradual year wise expansion in classes and sections leading to present status For Games and Excercise One basket ball court was constructed in 2005. In 2008-09 two New Rooms were constructed One for CMP activities, Other for Computer Lab. Construction of new Basket Ball court in their last stage.
Facilities available including games and sports facilities
Physical Infrastructure
S.No. Type of room No. of such rooms available No. of rooms lying vacant
1 Class room 24 NIL
2 Science Lab. 03 NIL
3 Computer Lab. 02 NIL
4 Library 01 NIL
5 Jr. Science Lab. 01 NIL
6 Resource Room ( Primary wing) 01 NIL
7 Resource room ( Secondary wing) NIL NIL
7 Activity room 01 NIL
9 Staff common Room 01 NIL
10 Mathematics Lab 01 NIL
11 Office 01 NIL
12 Principal Chamber 01 NIL
Area of School campus
In Acres. – 13.92
In sq. mtrs. – 56332.2414.
Built up area (sq. mtrs.) -13985.7
Facilities Available
The Primary and the Secondary class rooms and laboratories are located in a single block. Class rooms are spacious, well lighted and adequately furnished. Clean toilets, sufficient drinking water and clean surrounding are provided to the students for their physical & mental well being.
Transport Facility
Own buses – NA
Buses hired on contract basis- NA
Details of transport charges – NA
There are well equipped Biology, Chemistry and Physics Laboratories for higher Secondary classes along with Junior Science Lab. and Mathematics Lab.
Computer Education
The school has a well-equipped two computer laboratories with 35 computers. Students are initiated into the fascinating world of IT through the computer classes held for class III to X. In class XI students offer Computer Science as an elective subject. In class IX and X students have AI as a vocational subject.
High Speed Internet connection (Broad band) has been provided to enable the student to access various sources of information. The teachers are equipped with the know-how of using computer in their teaching. Broad band facility is also provided to students on every computer. Virtual library is available on Gyan Kosh section of vidyalaya website.
The spacious and well set up library has about 15000 volume on various subjects, reference books, encyclopedias and question banks to help to enrich the education pursuit of the students. In addition to the issue of book from library, class I-V are provided with additional class library books. The library also subscribes to several popular as well as educational magazines.
Library facilities
Size of the Library in sq. feet – 49*21=1029 sq. feet
No. of Periodicals – 54
No. of Dailies – 05 …………………………
No. of Reference books class wise – 742 (as per class wise and Subject wise)
No. of Magazine – 49.
Others – NA
Sports & Games
There are 2 vollyball,1 kabaddi, 1 KHO-KHO , 1 Basketball and a large Cricket playground as well as equipment to promote the skill of student in sports and games.
Area of playing ground in sq. mtrs. -20000 sq mtr (Approx.)
Other facilities
Swimming pool – NA.
Indoor games – Table Tennis, Chess, Badminton
Dance rooms – NA.
Gymnasium – NA.
Music Rooms – One………………………………….
Hostels – NA
Health and Medical
Checkup – Twice in a year
AV Aids
OHP, Color TV, VCD Player, charts and models are available in the school to make teaching more effective.
Medical Examination
Every Student is provided with a medical check-up and follow up action is taken wherever necessary.